William Dudley
Former Chief Executive Officer of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and Vice Chairman and a permanent member of the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC),
William Dudley
Former Chief Executive Officer of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and Vice Chairman and a permanent member of the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC),
William C. Dudley served as 10th president and chief executive officer of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and as the vice
chairman and a permanent member of the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC), the group responsible for determining the nation’s
monetary policy, from January 2009 until June 2018.
Previously, Dudley served as executive vice president of the Markets Group at the New York Fed and served as the System Open Market
Account Manager for the FOMC. The Markets Group oversees domestic open market and foreign exchange trading operations and the
provisions of account services to foreign central banks and serves as the Fed’s primary eyes and ears on financial markets. Prior to
joining the Bank in 2007, Dudley was a partner and managing director at Goldman, Sachs & Company and was the firm's chief
U.S. economist for a decade. Before joining Goldman Sachs in 1986, he was a vice president at the former Morgan Guaranty Trust
Company. Dudley was an economist at the Federal Reserve Board from 1981 to 1983.
Dudley received his doctorate in economics from the University of California, Berkeley in 1982, and a bachelor's degree from New College
of Florida in 1974.
Dudley was chairman of the Committee on the Global Financial System of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) for
six years from 2012 and served as chairman of the former Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems of the BIS from
2009 to 2012. He was a member of the board of directors of the BIS from 2009 to 2018.
Takashi Kamiya
神谷 隆
Director of Debt Management Policy Division Financial Bureau,
Ministry of Finance, JAPAN
Kamiya Takashi was appointed in July 2021 to Director of Debt Management Policy Division, Financial Bureau, Ministry of Finance, Japan.
He leads to formulate the JGB Issuance Plan and conduct JGB IR activities.
Mr. Kamiya holds a Bachelor degree in Economics from the Hitotsubashi University. Through his career in the Ministry of Finance, he has a lot
of backgrounds in both public finance and budget.
He served as Director of Market Finance Division from July 2020 to June 2021. He was mainly responsible for issuing JGBs.
平成7年 入省(一橋大学経済学部卒業)
平成29年 財務省大臣官房文書課広報室長
平成30年 内閣官房内閣参事官(内閣人事局)兼総務省行政管理局管理官
令和2年 財務省理財局国債業務課長
令和3年 財務省理財局国債企画課長
Shinichi Uchida
内田 眞一
Executive Director, Bank of Japan
日本銀行 理事
Shinichi Uchida, Executive Director in charge of the Monetary Affairs Department, Payment and Settlement Systems Department (Payment
and Settlement Systems Division), and Financial Markets Department, joined the Bank of Japan in 1986. In his 34 years at the Bank, he spent
most of his career in the field related to monetary policy. He was the Director-General of Monetary Affairs Department from 2012
to 2017. His experiences include the zero-interest-rate policy (1999 - 2000), QE (2001 - 2006), and QQE (2013 - ). He received a B.A. in
Law from the University of Tokyo and a LL.M. from the Harvard Law School. He worked as a visiting attorney at the Board of Governors,
Federal Reserve System in 1994 - 95.
昭和61年3月 東京大学法学部卒業
昭和61年4月 日本銀行入行
平成19年5月 企画局参事役
平成20年7月 総務人事局参事役
平成22年7月 新潟 支店長
平成24年5月 企画局長
平成29年3月 名古屋支店長
平成30年4月1日 日本銀行理事
Hiroshi Nakaso
中曽 宏
Chairman, Daiwa Institute of Research, Former Deputy Governor of the Bank of Japan
大和総研 理事長、前日本銀行 副総裁
Mr. Nakaso was appointed Chairman of the Daiwa Institute of Research (DIR) in July 2018 after completing his term as Deputy Governor
of the Bank of Japan. He served as the Deputy Governor of the BOJ since March 2013. In his 39 years at the Bank, his main responsibilities
have been crisis management of financial systems and markets focusing on global systems.
He joined the Bank of Japan in 1978 and he was assigned to the London Representative Office from 1987 until 1989. He dealt with the
homegrown financial crisis of the 1990s. He headed the exit operation from the Quantitative Easing Policy, a prototypical unconventional
policy that lasted from 2001 to 2006.
In addition, He played an instrumental role in addressing the Global Financial Crisis together with his peers at major central banks including
the FRB.
He was appointed Chairman of a new organization to promote Tokyo as a global financial center. The new organization is known by its
abbreviated name, “FinCity.Tokyo.”
Michael J. Moran (Moderator)
Chief Economist, Daiwa Capital Markets America
大和証券キャピタル・マーケッツアメリカ チーフエコノミスト
Michael J Moran is the chief economist of Daiwa Capital Markets America Inc. He is responsible for preparing the firm’s economic forecast
and interest rate outlook. He travels frequently to visit the clients of Daiwa Securities and writes weekly economic commentary. Mr. Moran
also is involved in the flux of financial markets, as he spends a portion of each day on Daiwa’s trading floor interpreting economic
statistics and Federal Reserve activity for traders and salespeople. Mr. Moran is quoted frequently in the financial press, appears
regularly on cable news shows. He also has published articles in several journals and periodicals. Before joining Daiwa Securities America,
Mr. Moran worked as an economist at the Federal Reserve Board in Washington, D.C. where he analyzed a broad range of issues dealing
with the financial sector of the economy and regularly briefed the Board of Governors. He was on the faculty of Pennsylvania State
University from 1979 to 1980 and taught on a part-time basis at George Washington University from 1980 to 1987. Mr. Moran
received his Ph.D. in economics from Pennsylvania State University in 1980 and a B.S. in business administration from the University of
Bridgeport in 1975. He was a CFA charterholder from 2002 until 2016.
Mari Iwashita (Moderator)
岩下 真理(モデレーター)
Chief Market Economist, Daiwa Securities
大和証券株式会社 チーフマーケットエコノミスト
Joined Taiyo Kobe Bank after graduating from Keio University’s Faculty of Business & Commerce. Worked as market economist, then
seconded to Daiwa Securities SMBC in 2006. Assumed current role at Daiwa Securities in 2018 after holding positions at SMBC
Nikko Securities. Also a member of the Statistics Commission and director of the Japan Association of Business Cycle Studies.
Eiichiro Tani (Moderator)
谷 栄一郎(モデレーター)
Chief Strategist, Daiwa Securities
大和証券株式会社 チーフストラテジスト
Joined J.P. Morgan Securities in 2001 after graduating from Tokyo University’s Faculty of Economics. Completed the Hitotsubashi
ICS program in 2013 (valedictorian). Joined Daiwa Securities SMBC in 2003 after stint in J.P. Morgan risk management dept. Assumed
current role in 2019 after stints as credit analyst and trader.